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Lead my soul O Lord in the path of Eternal Life,
Lead Your Church into Unity,
Let your Message with all its riches
find a home in all of Your creation!
Revive us, revive Your Church,
Let Her Bloom and fragrance…

My pupil, I give you My Peace… write: in the past I had revived the fortunes of Jacob, favouring them and forgiving their sins; will I not then revive and restore this generation as well? as the potters handle clay with a vessel that is shaped by his hands that come out wrong and starts afresh to work on it and perfect it, so are you in My Hands; have I not shaped you, daughter, as I want you to be? have I not revived you?
Yes Lord!
then if anyone allows Me to reform them as clay in My Hands, as you allowed Me, I will shape them the way I want them to be; and I will take their guilt away… if only they renounce their folly, I will anoint them;
My pupil, persevere and may no earthly attraction come on your way to distract you from Me! I want you to remain bonded to Me; keep Me in your sight constantly, praise My Name in the heights all the time –
My Day is near to all of you, and that Day of My Return will come upon you like a thief in the night! alas for you who are unprepared, and yet, ah, how many more warnings have I not sent out to you to remind you to be true to your Faith? and now era of wickedness, who remains dead to My Word, blaspheming My Mercy, undying to your wickedness and to your division, never striving to settle the dates of Easter to celebrate this Feast together, you still appear boldly in front of My Face pronouncing that the Eucharist you offer be a sign of unity and peace, a bond of charity; but, so long as love is missing among you, Satan is given the power to hold you apart;
to heal your division, the way and the only way is if you will grow in your love; there must be love among you so that I may rule your heart; the Spirit of Love is waiting to fill you with His Presence, but you are not letting Him so that He removes your division; if you repent and allow My Spirit to dwell in you, My Church then would be filled with Light, the Light of the Holy Spirit;
today, generation, you are living in great tribulations forced by your own hand; the spirit of evil is among you, a spirit of lethargy, apathy, rebellion, relentless pride that made you to apostatize, keeping you away from Me and closer to Death! do you wish to pass eternity in Hell? if you return to Me, I will lift away your tribulations and you will taste peace on earth…
the Day of My Return is nearer than you think, for I am coming to dwell in the middle of all of you and in all truth I will be awakening My People (1) lifting the veil that impedes them to recognize Me as the Messiah; I will be reviving their drooping spirit, turning it into a flame of joy, and their consciences into a vivid open book of Understanding (2)  and they will celebrate Me with Psalms cultivating Knowledge in their heart!
I, the Lord, God, will gather you all under My Name; for wide is My Dominion and My Royal Power; let no one deceive you, that in the end, I will not triumph, for this is what Satan wants you to believe; I will triumph in the end and all of you will live under My Holy Name: Jesus Christ, Son of God and Saviour, Wonder-Counsellor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace;
and you, daughter, remain faithful to Me; rest your head on My Heart obtaining My Peace and My Love; we us?
Yes Lord!
Good, I, Jesus, bless you; I Am   ic

1 Israel
2 Wisdom

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