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An introduction to the Messages by Vassula Ryden


It is God that dictates, inspires and reveals to Vassula His words of Wisdom.


In the messages of True Life in God we hear a cry for unity. This “cry” echoes in the hearts of all who truly seek to follow Christ. Vassula’s voice – and mission – expresses the urgency of the call for reconciliation, peace and unity.

Vassulla in Heaven

Vassula eternal reward. Sept. 25 2024, With great sadness, the passing of Vassula Rydén. A glorious ceremony must be now in Heaven!


A Cry from the Sacred Heart: Christ's Desire for Unity

My Kingdom on earth is My Church and the Eucharist is the Life of My Church, this Church I Myself have given you. I had left you with one Church but hardly had I left, just barely had I turned back to go to the Father, than you reduced My House to a desolation! You leveled it to the ground! And My flock is straying left and right. For how long am I to drink the Cup of your division? Cup of affliction and devastation! (Novemeber 14, 1991)

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You will know them by their fruits. Can people pick grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? In the same way, a sound tree produces good fruit but a rotten one bad fruit. A sound tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor a rotten one bear good fruit. (Mt 7:16-19)

peace be with you, I am Jesus your Redeemer, I am the Holy of Holies who speaks to you; I tell you truly: I shall pour special graces on those who accepted this testimony, because by having accepted this testimony of Love they are attesting the truthfulness and the Infinite Love of the Most High, since all that is written comes from Me; beloved ones, I give my Spirit without reserve; I give my Spirit to remind the world over and over again of My affection and the great love I have for you; I give My Spirit without reserve to remind you all of My Five Wounds and of My Passion; My child, you who read or hear Me, look around you, Dawn is soon with you …

Message of Oct 22, 1990

The Call and the Instrument

Vassula Ryden

God said once to her: ‘I have chosen you as a blank canvas to fill it up only with My Work which I will name: ‘True Life in God.’ (June 10, 1987) Therefore, the ‘True Life in God’ divine messages are an urgent call to repentance, to conversion, to prayer and to offer great amendments for our so evil times ... They are leading the soul to make peace with God. The Church is especially called to reconciliation, love and unity, navigating the Church out of their division and rigidity into unity in diversity the way Christ desires it to be.


The Messages

January 31, 2019

Lead my soul O Lord in the path of Eternal Life, Lead Your Church into Unity, Let your Message with all its riches find a home in all of

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December 29, 2018

ah, Vassula! little do you know of the graces I have bestowed on you to enable you to hear Me and be in My Presence…  My transcendency surpasses every

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