Dear TLIG Readers and Friends,
True Life In God Australia, has been going since 1998, it is formed of fellow readers volunteering their hearts for the cause. The foundation, printing and organising books, events, and help towards needs amongst the Australian community. Including facilitation of clergy and Solomon Islands contributions. With help towards the Asian Oceana region.
In order to help the organisation grow, your contributions will go along way. Being apart of the foundation either by monetary contributions or voluntary help will help bring Unity to our world we live in.
Some people might ask: is a Foundation necessary? Vassula answers: the Foundation relieves me of all administrative tasks so as to concentrate fully on my mission. Vassula has put in place Foundation guidelines, ensuring that the foundation is lead in the correct manner and that an monetary given will not be for profit or self. It is called to run organisational and legal matters related to TLIG, assist in worldwide evangelisation efforts in different ways, for example financing Vassula's air tickets and hotels in countries like Asia and Africa which cannot afford to pay, yet ask for her to visit, ensuring Message books are available on site; also to finance a new book on Vassula and her mission to lead people to read the Messages etc. The Foundation assists National Associations in their mission and oversees all Beth Myriams, including the central Beth Miriam Fund, called to work according to Vassula's Beth Myriam Charter.
The Australian Foundation will always publish a yearly report of its activities on the website for all to see, plus has a yearly AGM. The Foundation take major decisions and conclusions as a group.
The Foundation itself now needs funding to run its task which includes all that is said above. For this to succeed, we appeal to all of you, helpers on all fronts for True Life in God all over the world and members of TLIG prayer groups, to support the Foundation as best as you can, now and in the future. Donations are the Foundations only income.
Thank you so much for your generous help and support.